SG Aulatal will gegen Dörnberg punkten

Schwälmer Allgemeine

Freitag, 7. März 2025

Au­la­tal hofft im Kel­ler­du­ell auf drit­ten Sieg

Ober­au­la – Im Kel­ler­du­ell der Fuß­ball-Ver­bands­li­ga gegen den FSV Dörn­berg (So. 15) peilt die SG Au­la­tal den drit­ten Sai­son­sieg an. Rein ta­bel­la­risch eher mach­bar als beim Gast­spiel in Ei­chen­zell, wo der Auf­stei­ger zum Auf­takt nach der Win­ter­pau­se mit 0:2 ver­lor.

Doch Au­la­tals Coach warnt. „Ich sehe das etwas dif­fe­ren­zier­ter. Dörn­berg hat in sechs Vor­be­rei­tungs­spie­len 27 Tore ge­schos­sen. Sie wer­den nicht un­be­dingt schlech­ter sein als Ei­chen­zell“, meint Mar­tin Fried­rich. Auch mit Blick auf Dörn­bergs Tor­jä­ger Toni Dom­bei, der al­lein 16 der 26 Tref­fer sei­ner Mann­schaft mar­kiert hat. Die Kon­se­quenz: „Wir müs­sen je­den­falls ge­nau­so in­ten­siv ver­tei­di­gen wie in Ei­chen­zell. Aber über 90 Mi­nu­ten und nicht nur 60 oder 70.“

Im Hin­spiel hatte Au­la­tal einen 0:2-Rück­stand in ein 2:2-Un­ent­schie­den um­ge­wan­delt. Luca Eck­hardt und Ki­li­an Krapp hat­ten sei­ner­zeit ge­trof­fen. Fried­rich er­war­tet nun aber ein an­de­res Spiel als auf dem Dörn­ber­ger Kunst­ra­sen. Denn: „Wir spie­len auf un­se­rem gro­ßen Ra­sen­platz in Kirch­heim. Da las­sen sich schwer Ver­glei­che zie­hen.“

Sech­ser Yan­nik Hahl steht sei­nem Team wie­der zur Ver­fü­gung. Ver­zich­ten muss die Spiel­ge­mein­schaft auf die Lang­zeit­ver­letz­ten Luca Eck­hardt, Nils Fi­scher, Luca Kurz und Pas­cal Schmitt.

1 Kommentar

  1. Three Ways To Get Rid Of Nasolabial Folds Fast

    Nasolabial folds, also known as jowls, can be addressed through diet,
    exercise, and medical treatments. Here are three effective methods:


    Adopting a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help reduce puffiness
    and promote firmer skin. Limiting salt and sugar intake is particularly beneficial for
    reducing fluid retention.


    Engaging in facial exercises may help tone the muscles in your lower face.
    Simple movements like puffing out your cheeks and holding,
    or pressing your lips together while lifting your cheeks, can be done daily to see improvements over time.

    Medical Treatments

    For more noticeable results, consider medical treatments such as:

    Botox injections

    Dermal fillers (e.g., hyaluronic acid or collagen)

    Laser treatments or peels to reduce excess skin and promote collagen production

    Important Note:

    Please consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing any
    treatment to ensure it’s suitable for your specific

    **How to Get Rid of Nasolabial Folds Fast**

    Nasolabial folds, often referred to as „marionette lines,“ are the creases that run from the sides of your nose down to the corners of your mouth.
    These lines can make you look older and more worn out. If you’re looking to get rid of them quickly, there
    are several effective methods available. Below, we’ll explore
    three common approaches to help you achieve this.

    ### **Steps**

    1. **Preparing For A Procedure**
    Before undergoing any treatment, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified aesthetician or plastic surgeon. They will assess your unique needs and guide you on the best course of action.
    Ensure you follow their pre-treatment instructions, such as avoiding
    smoking for a certain period before the procedure.

    2. **Getting A Procedure**
    Depending on the severity of your nasolabial folds, your healthcare provider may recommend injectable treatments or minor surgical procedures.
    Fillers, such as hyaluronic acid, can plump the area and reduce the
    visibility of the lines. Botulinum toxin injections (like Botox) can also relax the muscles responsible for creating these

    3. **Hiding The Folds Naturally**
    While medical treatments are effective, some people prefer a more natural approach.
    Staying hydrated, avoiding smoking, and protecting your skin from UV damage can help reduce the appearance of
    nasolabial folds over time.

    ### **Expert Q&A**

    **Q: How long do results usually last?**
    A: The duration of results varies based on the treatment.
    Fillers typically last 6-12 months, while botulinum toxin effects may diminish
    after several months.

    **Q: Is there downtime after the procedure?**
    A: Most treatments are quick and require minimal downtime.
    However, you may experience mild swelling or bruising
    for a short period afterward.

    ### **Tips**

    – Always choose a reputable professional who has experience with
    nasolabial fold reduction.
    – Consider combining treatments for better results, such as using fillers
    alongside botulinum toxin.
    – Maintain good skincare habits to keep your skin healthy and youthful

    ### **You Might Also Like**

    – **Top 5 Skincare Tips for Younger-Looking Skin**
    – **The Best Non-Invasive Treatments for Wrinkles**
    – **How to Fix Sagging Cheeks: A Comprehensive Guide**

    ### **References**

    For more information on nasolabial folds and treatment options,
    you can visit the American Society of Plastic Surgeons or consult with a dermatologist.

    ### **About This Article**

    This article provides general information and is not intended as medical advice.
    Always consult a qualified professional before undergoing any treatment.

    **Did this article help you?**
    Yes No

    ### **Quizzes**

    Test your knowledge on nasolabial folds and treatments with our quick

    **Question 1:** What are nasolabial folds also known as?

    A) Marionette lines
    B) Facial creases
    C) Cheek folds

    *Answer: A)*

    **Question 2:** Which treatment can plump the skin to reduce nasolabial folds?

    A) Botox
    B) Fillers (e.g., hyaluronic acid)
    C) Surgical removal

    *Answer: B)*

    ### **Featured Articles**

    – **Trending Articles**
    – 5 Celebrities Who Keep Their Skin Glowing at Any Age

    – The Secret to Getting the Perfect Glow Without Makeup

    This article has provided you with a comprehensive guide on how to get
    rid of nasolabial folds fast. Whether you prefer medical
    treatments or natural methods, there’s an option for everyone.

    Take action today and restore your youthful appearance!

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